AIms of the course
The objective of this course is to provide the basic knowledge in econometrics and prepare participants for empirical work in economics. This one-week school (5 days) gives the opportunity to consider actual economic data to test economic theories with a direct application in Stata. The course is interactive and includes both a theory review and computer practical sessions using Stata. Within practical sessions, real data econometric issues will be covered using both cross-sectional and time series data.
- Simple regression analysis
- Properties of OLS estimators and hypothesis testing
- Multiple regression analysis: estimation and statistical inference
- Multiple regression analysis: multicollinearity, dummy variables and instrumental variables
- Heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation
- Model selection: criteria and test
course OUTCOMEs
Upon completion of the course it is expected that the student is able:
To apply the classical regression model to cross-sectional and time-series data.
To understand:
- assumptions required in the application of classical regression model
- reasons for expecting violations of these assumptions in certain circumstance
- tests for violations
- potential remedial measures.
To competently use presented econometric methods to quantify economic relations using Stata in simple applications.